Herring of the year

Herring of the year 2025 vinder – Restaurant Remouladen 

I år var det Restaurant Remouladen, der løb med sejren i Årets Sild-konkurrencen. Med en sildemad, der imponerede dommerne med sin balance og kreativitet, sikrede køkkenchef Kristian Vorsø Jørgensen endelig den eftertragtede titel. STORT tillykke! 

På 2. pladsen kom Hotel Amerika og 3. pladsen gik i år til Lilleheden Café & Restaurant. 

De konkurrerende restauranter til Årets Sild 2025 var:

  • The smallness Café & Restaurant, Hirtshals
  • Hotel & Restaurant Fakkelgaarden, Kollund
  • HJORTHs BAdehotel, Skagen
  • Hotel Amerika/Eurowind Kantine, Hobro
  • Restaurant Remouladen, Vejle
  • Restaurant Kronborg, København
  • Restaurant Kratholm, Odense
  • Bjørnekælderen, Frederiksberg

Det kompetente dommerpanel bestod i år af:

  • Jesper Uhrup, Redaktør
  • Simon Juhl Olesen, Møntergade
  • Tobias Musaeus, Aalborg Akvavit
  • Esben Sverdrup, Danmarks Pelagiske Producentorganisation
  • Dorte Hielscher Vad, Tenax Sild
  • Dennis Kindberg, EUC Nord

This year's Herring is sponsored by:
Tenax Sild A/S, Denmark's Pelagic Producer Organisation, North Sea Oceanarium, Jette og Knuds Maritime Foundation and Aalborg Akvavit.

Læs mere om Årets Sild 2025 here.

Herring of the year 

Since the beginning of the 1990s, it has been a fixed tradition to choose the Herring of the Year at a competition in Hirtshals.

This year's Herring is held in a strong collaboration between Hirtshals Fishing Festival, the North Sea Oceanarium and Denmark's Pelagic Producer Organization as well as Tenax Sild A/S.

Vindersilden must reflect innovation, craftsmanship and, not least, good taste. It must have a balanced and intense taste, which is the special characteristic of an old-fashioned matured herring. The inspiration must come, among other things, from Årets Bjesk, which is awarded every year during the Hirtshals Fishing Festival.

Tenax Sild is responsible for the production of the old-fashioned matured herring and the subsequent serial production for consumers.

The winner is chosen by a competent and dedicated panel of judges, who have the challenge of finding the best lunch herring among the participating restaurants. The participants are chefs from some of Denmark's best smørrebrød restaurants.

Herring and Bjesk – a natural pair of partners

The awards for the Bjesk of the Year and the Herring of the Year are staggered. Thus, the Bjesk of the Year is chosen for the coming year in August in connection with the Hirtshals Fishing Festival. In this way, the herring marinaders (from various restaurants from all over the country) get some flavor notes to match their marinade to when they start creating their take on the best herring marinade in the spring. The Herring of the Year is chosen every autumn at a major event at the Nordsøen Oceanarium, and from this time the Herring of the Year is also released for sale from the laboratory at Hirtshals Museum.

Hirtshals Museum is responsible for the collection of herbs from the large dune area that surrounds Hirtshals. A visit to Hirtshals museum gives you the history of bjesken, the small sharp bitter, which became something very special in Hirtshals, thanks to the former nurse Signe Hansen, who invented the "Klitbjesken" drink from Hirtshals.

At the museum you can see an exhibition of plants from the dune, which are suitable for seasoning brandy - the so-called Bjesk.

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